Management Team
Ware County Administrative Group
Welcome! The administrative team's management philosophy is fivefold: (1) Excellence in customer service; (2) Planning with clear focus on vision, innovation, and results; (3) Build public and employee trust through open and honest communication; (4) Leadership by example that challenges the organization for continuous improvement; and (5) Management designed for efficient use of both financial and human resources.
Scott Moye
County Manager
The County Manager serves as the chief executive officer overseeing county operations, implementing Board policies and preparing an annual operating budget. Also manages all departments and coordinates operations with Constitutional Officers, other elected officials, and partner agencies.
How Do I Get in Touch?
- Office:
(912) 287-4312 - Email:
Click Here!
Melinda Brooks
County Clerk
The County Clerk is the custodian of records for the Board of Commissioners and receives all open records requests. Other duties include recording all proceedings of the board in the official minutes; maintaining and ensuring Codification of Ordinances; preparing informational notebooks for the Commissioners, County Manager, and County attorney; maintaining all original contracts, agreements, and leases with the county; researches and coordinates information for the Commissioners, department heads, the media, and the general public; and acts as fiscal agent.
How Do I Get in Touch?
- Office:
(912) 287-4312 - Email:
Click Here!