Welcome! Our 911 office is available to serve the general public 24/7. Assistance is provided for Emergency and Non-emergency calls for service via the following agencies: Ware County Sheriff's Office, Waycross Police Department, Ware County Fire Department, Waycross Fire Department, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS).
Fay Cooper
E-911 Director
Responsible for the leadership, direction, and administration of the 911 Emergency Communication Center. Plans, organizes, and manages the day-to-day operational functions of the E-911 Department to provide effective and timely emergency services County-wide; plans, develops and directs department programs, services, resources and staff; formulates short- and long-range plans, goals and objectives; develops and implements policies, procedures and standards; and directs the implementation of programs and services through subordinate supervisors and staff.
How Do I Get in Touch?
- Office:
(912) 287-4337 - Email:
Click Here!
Debra Hendricks
E-911 Assistant Director
This position is responsible for assisting in directing the operations of the 911 Communications Department. Manages the daily operations of the 911 Communications Center and the allocation of personnel and resources; enforces regulations; assigns, directs, supervises, evaluates, and disciplines personnel.
How Do I Get in Touch?
- Office:
(912) 287-4415 - Email:
Click Here!
Michelle Ardoyno
E-911 Supervisor
Communicate with Management as needed to maximize efficiencies and resolve issues. Oversee or lead employees working at lower-level dispatch. Monitor employees as well as operational processes.
How Do I Get in Touch?
- Office:
(912) 287-4335 - Email:
Click Here!
Emergency Management Agency
The Ware County Emergency Management Agency believes that the team approach will allow us to put the people of Ware County as our number one priority. By having an open-door policy, we strive to service everyone in need and give assistance. Together, everyone will accomplish more by keeping a high level of training, safety, positive image, competence, honesty, courage, commitment, integrity, mutual respect, and a firm set of values. KEEP IT SIMPLE—STAY FOCUSED
Jonathan Daniell
EMA Director
Acts as a coordinating Agency in the event of a disaster, conducts exercises, informs City and County officials on weather, natural, and man-made disasters. Coordinates with State Officials and the GEMA/HS agency. Maintains a high level of readiness in the Emergency Operations Center. Maintains Leadership Continuity in City and County Government. Maintain a high level of competency in the Incident Command System. Keeps the Community informed in times of emergency.
How Do I Get in Touch?
- Office:
(912) 287-4394 - Email:
Click Here!
Jodi Thrift
EMA Clerk
Manages daily operations of the EMA office, answers phones and takes messages. Monitors radios, sets up EOC for activations, and other duties as assigned by the director.
How Do I Get in Touch?
- Office:
(912) 287-4394 - Email:
Click Here!
Emergency Medical Services
Ware Emergency Medical Services responds to all emergency medical calls through 911. We provide pre-hospital care and transport to hospital facilities. We also respond to mutual aid requests in surrounding counties (as available).
William Parham
EMS Director
Oversees all aspects of EMS management such as staffing, procurement of supplies and equipment, billing and collections, and ensuring compliance with State regulations.
How Do I Get in Touch?
- Office:
(912) 287-4455 - Email:
Click Here!
Perry Blackburn
EMS Coordinator
Handles certain aspects of EMS management; in particular: payroll, training records and IT problems. Also serves as Safety Coordinator for Ware County.
How Do I Get in Touch?
- Office:
(912) 287-4455 - Email:
Click Here!
Fire Department
Welcome! We are a combination department focused on saving life and property from natural or man-made emergencies. If we can ever assist you, please feel free to contact us.
Dee Meadows
Fire Chief
It is with high honor that I get to serve as Fire Chief for Ware County! I am extremely proud of the brave men and women of the Ware County Fire Rescue team who are willing to risk their lives for our citizenry. Both the citizens and staff of Ware County have my appreciation and gratitude for the opportunity to serve. I strive to lead this department so we can meet the needs of the county and am committed to providing the best possible fire protection service Ware County can offer to those in need.
How Do I Get in Touch?
- Office:
(912) 287-4460 - Email:
Click Here!
Matthew Grantham
Battalion Chief / Training Officer
Battalion Chief for Ware County. No other information was provided for distribution.
How Do I Get in Touch?
- Office:
(912) 287-4460 - Email:
Click Here!
Public Safety Training Center
To represent Waycross and Ware County through devoted dedication to the public safety of our citizens, committing to improving the level of professionalism in the public safety community by offering state of the art training, and distinguishing ourselves as a premier regional training center for learning and growth.
Brian Varnadore
Public Safety Training Center Director
Responsible for managing and overseeing the day to day operations. Directs, organizes, and supervises the functions and activities of the Public Safety Training Center (PSTC) and staff. Coordinates activities and training scheduling between partner agencies to ensure cooperation with usage of the PSTC. Develops and administers the annual department budget ensuring that all expenditures meet applicable regulations. Promotes the PSTC to outside law enforcement and fire agencies by developing marketing strategies such as creating promotional materials, providing tours, and developing seminars/classes. Oversees maintenance and repair of the facility by development of a maintenance and repair schedule; performs an annual inspection to assess the condition of the facility and equipment to identify safety, maintenance, and repair needs. Develops and administers policies and procedures for the usage of the PSTC. Provides quarterly finance and facility usage reports to the Executive Board.
How Do I Get in Touch?
- Office:
(912) 816-4523 - Email:
Click Here!
Sheriff's Office
Our goal is to be more interactive with the people we serve. We are continuously seeking ways to improve our organization and to build upon our relationships within the community. We anticipate that this site will provide another means for our agency to better communicate with you. Law enforcement is becoming more technologically advanced. We are facing new and exciting challenges as we deal with crime and other concerns within our community. As your Sheriff, I hope to keep you better informed through this web site of our efforts to reduce crime and to provide easier access to those services we provide.
Carl James
Ware County Sheriff
It is a distinct honor to serve the citizens of Ware County. I am exceptionally proud of the fine men and women of the Sheriff's Office who strive each day to keep the peace. They risk their lives each day to ensure the safety of our community. I would like to express my sincere appreciation and deepest gratitude for the privilege to serve as Sheriff of Ware County. It is my belief that the Sheriff's Office should be operated with a commonsense approach to the needs of its citizens. I am committed to providing efficient, effective, and professional service to the citizens of Waycross and Ware County. I would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to visit us online.
How Do I Get in Touch?
- Main Office:
(912) 287-4325 - Business Office:
(912) 287-4326 - Criminal Investigations:
(912) 287-4327 - Training & Personnel:
(912) 287-4324 - Jail:
(912) 287-4323 - Email:
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