Planning & Codes
The Planning & Codes Department plays a central role in establishing and maintaining the health, safety and utility of our land, buildings and infrastructure. Through local planning, inspection, and enforcement, this department works to ensure that community development and land use do not adversely affect our environment. In addition to inspecting the physical construction of established developments, the department reviews newly proposed residential, industrial and commercial development plans, coordinates the planning and development of community facilities and infrastructure, and administers business licenses in Ware County.
Dustin Minchew
Interim Planning Director
Plans, organizes and directs the overall operation of the Planning Department and Codes Department, including budget preparation and administration; serves as staff advisor on committees and boards; acts as County liaison with developers, property owners, and the public; is responsible for zoning and code enforcement and coordination with other County Department functions; is responsible for current and long-range planning projects; performs related work as required.
How Do I Get in Touch?
- Office:
(912) 287-4379 - Email:
Click Here!
Dustin Minchew
GIS Specialist / Assistant Planner
Creates and maintains Geographic Information System (GIS) data as well as creates maps for county and public use; provides addressing to properties outside of the city limits of Waycross; assists citizens regarding current zoning and flood zone information; performs plat review as needed; provides assistance and coordination for committees and boards such as the Waycross-Ware County Planning Commission & Transportation Planning Coordinating Committee (TPCC).
How Do I Get in Touch?
- Office:
(912) 287-4379 - Email:
Click Here!
Jamie Herlong
Administrative Assistant
Responds to phone calls, assists citizens with questions regarding various permitting and licensing needs that includes but is not limited to construction, septic systems, and mobile home moving permits as well as alcohol and business licenses.
How Do I Get in Touch?
- Office:
(912) 287-4379 - Email:
Click Here!
Transportation Planning-Coordinating Committee (TPCC)
Associated Department Board/Committee
This board/committee meets every third Thursday of each odd numbered month. Be sure to check the Newsroom for announcements of meeting dates/times or changes in scheduling.
Current Board Members
- Posts 1—4
Selected by the County. - Posts 5—8
Selected by the City. - Post 9
Rotates between City & County.
Waycross-Ware County Planning Commission
Associated Department Board/Committee
This board/committee meets every second Thursday of each month. Be sure to check the Newsroom for announcements of meeting dates/times or changes in scheduling.
Current Board Members
- Bill Bryson (County)
July 1, 2022—June 30, 2025 - William Simmons (City)
July 1, 2022—June 30, 2025 - Kristy King (County)
July 1, 2023—June 30, 2026 - Eunice Dixon (City)
July 1, 2023—June 30, 2026 - Josh Lairsey (County)
July 1, 2024—June 30, 2027 - Felicia Brown (City)
July 1, 2023—June 30, 2026 - Angela Strickland (County)
July 1, 2024—June 30, 2027 - Joe Skinner (City)
July 1, 2024—June 30, 2027 - Jeffrey Parker (County)
July 1, 2022—June 30, 2025